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Leapforce Income Report – March 2017

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Damn ! Last month went pretty fast for me. I can’t believe that we are already in the second week of April.

Time flies fast when you enjoy what you are doing, they say.

I am back with yet another income report for the month of March. For those of you who are here for the first time, there are few reasons as to why I do this.


  • To develop trust and integrity.
  • Make this blog as transparent and trutful as possible.
  • And to make myself accountable, and relfect as I go in my quest for true digital nomad lifestyle.


I am yet to truly diversify my sources of income. All my incomes are based on Search Engine Evaluation and Social Media Evaluation with Leapforce. And it kind of scares me. It makes me feel insecure. And being insecure is a good thing.


That being said, this blog has generated a lot of leads but a vast majority of them are yet to convert. And whatever percentage of those leads have converted, I am yet to get paid for those. So it is not that, this blog isn’t making money, I am just yet to be paid for it. And once I am paid, I will report it in my monthly income reports.


Alright, here is the breakdown for the month of March –


  • Total Hours Worked                   –               73 Hours, 58 mins


  • Total Amout Billed ( $7/hr)     –               $517.79              


  • Other Income                                –                0.00


  • Total Income                                 –               $517.79



If I were an American working for $13.5 per hour with Leapforce, that would have been almost $1000 for a little over 2 hours of work per day.

But as we Asians are paid $7 an hour, so I made $ 517.79 with almost 74 hours of work for the entire month. That’s like half the hour of how much a typical employee would work (160 hours) in a fucked up 4*4 cubicle.


Analysis of Last Month – 



During the first week of March last month, I was working like hell. In fact, if you had read my previous posts, you would see that, in just 6 days of March, I had already made half of the amount of what I earned the previous month (February).


A few personal things crept up towards the third and the most important week of the month. I don’t want to discuss it here though as this is not a personal diary.


But what I can see is that, I am struggling with work ethics and time management.


While working with Teleperformance, Gurgaon, I was working 12 hours shift at one point of time. And it kind of sucks to see that I don’t even work for like 3 hours a day, working for myself.


I can see that it is pretty hard to get things done when you are on your laptop, connected to internet and when distracting elements are just a click away.

Self-discipline and diversification of what I’m doing now may help me stay focussed and interested. Else, it just becomes a routine and a mundane chore, something that I am trying to run away from.


Alright, that wraps up the income report for this month.


Will be back with yet another income report early next month.


If you haven’t sign up with Leapforce yet, sign up here with an active gmail account and start earning $7 per hour (if you are Asian) or $13.5 per hour ( if you are American or European) –















After making almost $3000 online, I started this blog to document my own journey as a search engine evaluator aka Google rater, bug hunter, website usability tester, and blogger. Now I teach others how to make money online through genuine work from home opportunities. I've been featured in Huffington Post among others. You can read more about my personal struggles and successes in making money online here.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Anonymous


  2. ashok

    hey sam,I have applied in leapforce for search engine evaluator 3 months back as a hindi evaluator ,however i have not received any reply yet ,and now i am thinking to apply as an english language evaluator .Can i apply again ? will it cause any problem?

    1. Sam Narzary

      Sorry for the late reply.

      Please wait up for at least six months before re-applying again. If they don’t respond to you in six months, you may re-apply again.

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