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Pinteresting Pins on Autopilot Review: Pinterest Coaching by Carly Campbell


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Pinterest Coaching – Pinteresting Pins on Autopilot Review

Updated on 23rd May 2023

This course has been updated and rebranded as Creator’s Content Club (Elite Membership). The course is no longer just about creating pins and pinning. Now it covers the entire content creation process –

  • pre-made Canva templates for social media post – Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest
  • templates for product creation like e-books, slide decks, etc.
  • members only backlink builders directory
  • Monthly Live Q&As with Carly
  • new templates and tutorials added monthly
  • Facebook Mastermind group access.

Check out HERE

Heard of the epic Pinterest course Pinteresting Strategies by Carly Campbell?

Well, she has come up with an even better solution to your Pinterest problems!

Carly is offering an exclusive Pinterest coaching known as Pinteresting Pins on Autopilot, to help those who are struggling with Pinterest or whose Pinterest growth has plateaued.

Suck at graphic designing?

All your pins looks the same – dull, boring and dead !

Your Pinterest growth has plateaued and you’ve no clue why?

Carly’s new Pinterest coaching might be exactly what you need !

This new Pinterest training will not only give you live Facebook training + Q&A session, but also give you access to gorgeous custom-made editable templates that looks stunning and eye-catching, and stands out tall from the sea of dull pins.

Here are the highlights of this Pinterest coaching –

10 Custom Canva Pinterest Templates Every Month !

Imagine getting gorgeous looking customizable pins every month straight to your inbox!

Coming from somebody who has been driving over 100,000+ Pinterest traffic even on her worst months, her designs are a steal.

You can use these templates to create your own pin versions or you can also use the same templates as exactly as it appears to be (which I don’t recommend).

You can easily make up to 4-6 pin variations or more (not duplicates) from just one of these templates. Carly gives you free video lessons on how to edit these templates using Canva.

So from 10 templates that you would be getting on the 1st of every month, you can easily create 40-60+ pins within mins and then publish them immediately to Pinterest or schedule them for pinning later on.

And if you want to use these templates as is, you can! These templates has special stock images that Carly herself has paid for and we can use these directly in Pinterest.

Seasonal Pins For Holidays

We all know that people splurge during holidays.

And holiday seasons are when successful bloggers and affiliate marketers make the most money.

Once you enroll in this Pinterest training, you will get customizable pins specially designed and crafted by Carly’s team for holiday seasons that you can use to target Pinterest users during holidays.

No Worries About Your Pins Not Looking Good

Constantly worried about whether your pins would look good in mobile or not?

Well, it is time to stop it now.

These Pinterest templates are custom designed to look gorgeous everywhere, specially on mobile devices.

You do not need to worry about the dimensions of these pins as they’re all taken cared off by the templates themselves.

Step-by-Step Canva TutorialSecret Tips

Even if you are already using Canva and is quite good at it, you will still find the Canva tutorial by Carly extremely helpful.

It is almost 30 mins long and it has some tricks and tips on how to use free version of Canva to create some stunning text effects.

Carly also shows some behind the shoulders view of how she creates 3 pin variations from one template within a matter of minutes.

She also shows how she schedules them for pinning later on using Pinterest’s native scheduler.

Before watching this video, I had no idea how to upload/schedule multiple pins at the same time.

It was an eye-opener to me.

Exclusive Facebook Community

For those of you who have been a student of her course Pintresting Strategies, you might have already been a part of her Facebook Group.

It has over 12,500+ active members as of writing this. Asking question about the course and getting direct reply from Carly sometimes can be a little difficult there, although she does her best to answer to all the questions directed to her.

This new Pinterest coaching comes with a totally different Facebook group that only has the students of Pinteresting Pins on Autopilot.

Asking questions in the group or in the group call is so much easier as the group is small and exclusive. And with this coaching subscription, you have an exclusive access to this group, group calls and Q&A sessions.

Monthly Live Coaching Call + Q&A Session

Pinterest keeps changing all the time. They go through constant algorithm updates and changes.

What better way to keep yourself updated with all these changes then through a live group call session by Carly herself, right?

With these monthly live call sessions, you can ask questions about your Pinterest problems, hear her talk about what is working in Pinterest and what is not at the moment.

There is also a regular Q+A session where Carly answers the urgent questions of her students.

Editable with free Canva

Here is the thing. You may be a PicMonkey user like me or a Photoshop user and you might be hesitant about using Canva.

You might think that may be I need to buy a paid version of Canva.

No you don’t need to.

I am a paid subscriber of PicMonkey and I found using the free version of Canva easy and almost similar to PicMonkey.

All these templates are editable with free version of Canva, you don’t need a paid version.

And Canva is super-easy to use.

Carly’s step-by-step video on how to edit those templates and make different pins from the same template ( in mins) is more than enough to help you get started with Canva.


Do a quick Google search, you will find that most of the Pinterest coaching will cost you like $200+ for 60 mins of 1-1 coaching.

While these Pinterest training with Carly won’t have a 1-1 coaching calls, all your questions are answered in group calls and you can ask anything in the exclusive Facebook group where Carly herself is the moderator.

Plus those $200+ coaching calls won’t give you 10 editable, custom made templates every month ! On top of group coaching calls and Q&A sessions!

All of these for just $25/mo in other words just $0.83/day.

I believe this Pinterest training by Carly is extremely under-priced considering the solid reputation that she already has with her course Pinteresting Strategies.

She could charge over $80-100+ per month and people would jump head over heels to get in to her coaching.

True to the spirit of her courses low-priced but extremely high quality, she has made this coaching available for only $57/quarter..

Save up to $1000 per month

If you are to hire a Pinterest VA from the Philippines or India, good ones would cost you at least $5-$7 per hour. You are looking at an additional expense of at least $300 – $420 per month.

Native Pinterest Strategists and VAs would cost you even more – $1000 per month at least.

With these Pinterest templates, you are saving at least $300$1000 per month.

Cons of this Pinterest Training

I would not be honest enough if I don’t mention the cons ( if any) of this Pinterest mastermind coaching.

This is not for absolute beginners who hasn’t started blogging or who hasn’t pinned their first pin on Pinterest.

For that you are better off checking out Carly’s Pinteresting Strategies or one of these 11 Pinterest courses HERE.

What You Get Inside

As soon as you purchase the subscription, you will be sent an email with the following items –

Canva Video Tutorial You will learn how to use the templates and make quick variations of the pins that looks completely different from each other.

Download Link 1 – This link will contain download links for 5 templates of 750×1550 dimensions.
Download Link 2This link will contain download links for another 5 templates of 1000×1500 dimensions.

What People are already saying about it

It was soft launched to her Facebook group members before being opened to public on 1st March 2020.

Her private Facebook group members have already used these templates and have already seen amazing results.

Here is what they have to say

Ok. So it’s been a few days since I started using these cool templates. My (daily) traffic has doubled since starting – and held strong every single day since then. YAY! After 4 months of an obnoxious plateau, it is SO nice to have some growth again! And it’s only been a week. Thank you, Carly!!!


I love these new pin templates! I used one to make a pin for a post that I never had much success driving traffic to, and its taking off! Not as dramatic as some, I know, but I rarely have double digits of users online at once


I was like…hmm. Do I really need that many templates?

Uh, yes. Yes I do. I KNOW that I’m design challenged and always have been. Now that I’m trying to be more consistent in my pinning (and more methodical about keywording) I’m finally seeing an uptick in traffic again!


These testimonials are directly copied from the exclusive Facebook group that Carly created only for the students of this Pinteresting Pins on Autopilot.

Once inside, you will be able to see these testimonials if you dig deep in the past posts in this group.

When do I get these templates?

You get these 10 Pinterest templates as soon as you purchase this subscription and the rest of the templates on the 1st of every subsequent months.

Do I need Tailwind subscription for this?

Naah ! You don’t.

You can use Pinterest’s native scheduler to schedule pins, up to 30 pins per day.

Carly shows it step-by-step on how to use Pinterest’s native scheduler with the help of video tutorial that comes with this subscription.

Final Words on Pinteresting Pins on Autopilot

  • Comes from a very reputable source.
  • Makes creating gorgeous pins a child’s play.
  • Way too under-priced coming from somebody of her stature.
  • Coaching calls and Q&A sessions are just something one cannot ignore at this price.


Absolutely essential if you are struggling with pin designs and your Pinterest growth has plateaued, and you need pre-made templates for content creation, or mastermind group full of experts.

>>> Creator’s Content Club {Elite Membership}<<<

Rebranded as Content Creator’s Club {Elite Membership}


After making almost $3000 online, I started this blog to document my own journey as a search engine evaluator aka Google rater, bug hunter, website usability tester, and blogger. Now I teach others how to make money online through genuine work from home opportunities. I've been featured in Huffington Post among others. You can read more about my personal struggles and successes in making money online here.

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